Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jon Finkel should have dated me instead.

In enthusiastically jumping on the bandwagon in support of nerds/geeks/social misfits, I see already that I can offer nothing unique or new to the conversation, but I must have my two cents.  It made the news (slow news day?) that a girl went on a date with a guy and then ridiculed him in a public forum for his geeky hobby. Bad show, ol' girl.  That the guy in question is actually well-known in the geek world, a celebrity of sorts, was perhaps the detail she should have paid more attention to when she googled him than any other.  Now people have his back and this girl is hiding under a rock somewhere. That is all perfectly fair, and I agree that this girl is not a great candidate for human relationships because she is mean, but the problem I have is not merely that she ridiculed him in a public fashion or that she judged him for something lame, but that she judged him at all.  Now, call me shallow, but he looks like a pretty cute guy.  It's rumored that he makes a nice income.  She never accused him of being creepy or even dull. Yes, the Dahmer show was not the best choice for a first date, but it wasn't enough to turn her off for a second date, so it was clearly not a deal breaker.  But the cards did it? Really? Has she ever dated before?
Because, and I mean this most sincerely, unless he insisted that I urinate on him while his dog eats mashed potatoes off my tits as he masterbates in front of his webcam WHILE he plays Magic, then I don't see the problem. In fact, if you take the dog out of that scenario this might still be okay with me because it would absolutely trump any date I have had in the past eight years. And I am not unattractive. It is simply a strange, strange land for dating out there.
So, to Jon F., who seems to be taking this all in stride, add me to your list of hypothetical better options. I am pretty, not particularly insane, a little geeky, a little not, and if you had gone out with me your second date would most likely have ended with a blow job.
And I mean that.